ip sla 333 icmp-echo timeout 500 frequency 60 ip sla schedule 333 life forever start-time now track 333 ip sla 333 reachability delay down 30 up 30 event manager environment _email_server event manager environment _email_from eem@iamroot.ru event manager environment _email_to eem@iamroot.ru event manager applet host_is_down event track 333 state down action 1.1 cli command "enable" action 1.2 cli command "del /force flash:show_tech" action 1.3 cli command "show tech | append flash:show_tech" action 1.4 cli command "show ip route | append flash:show_tech" action 1.5 cli command "show ip interface brief | append flash:show_tech" action 1.6 cli command "more flash:show_tech" action 1.7 syslog msg "SEND..." action 1.8 mail server $_email_server to $_email_to from $_email_from subject " Show Tech Output (Cisco_011) " body "$_cli_result" action 1.9 syslog msg "Ok!" event manager applet host_is_up event track 333 state up action 1.1 cli command "enable" action 1.2 cli command "del /force flash:show_tech" action 1.3 cli command "show tech | append flash:show_tech" action 1.4 cli command "show ip route | append flash:show_tech" action 1.5 cli command "show ip interface brief | append flash:show_tech" action 1.6 cli command "more flash:show_tech" action 1.7 syslog msg "Sending..." action 1.8 mail server $_email_server to $_email_to from $_email_from subject " Show Tech Output (Cisco_011) " body "$_cli_result" action 1.9 syslog msg "OK!"
Cisco EEM tech report e-mail
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